Sunday, January 6, 2008

Socrates: A Life Examined - Luis E. Navia's Book Signing at Barnes & Noble

Exercise the writing muscle every day, even if it is only a letter, notes, a title list, a character sketch, a journal entry. Writers are like dancers, like athletes. Without that exercise, the muscles seize up.
- Jane Yolen

For everyone who may not yet know, my father will be having another book signing this week at Barnes & Noble in Manhasset for Socrates: A Life Examined. Due to the great success of his last signing at Book Revue in Huntington (thanks to all of you who attended!!), many people have been asking for another one in the new year, and we are proud to bring it to you -

Book Signing/Discussion with Dr. Luis E. Navia

Thursday, January 10

7 PM

Barnes & Noble - Manhasset

1542 Northern Blvd.
Manhasset, NY

Phone: 516.365.6723 (Barnes & Noble)

Here are some links with more information about the book and my father -



See you at Barnes & Noble =)


Anonymous said...

your father is brilliant and a great speaker ... the Manhasset crowd are in for a stimulating, good time.

Anonymous said...


I took two courses taught by Dr. Navia at the New York Institute of Technology. He is one of only two professors, who have made a SIGNIFICANT impact on my collegiate experience. He mentions his daughters a lot in class, in more than a philosophical manner; but from the perspective of someone in awe of his own offspring.
I hope to read his new book soon, because I think the most important figure in Philosophy is Socrates; and one of the most reliable authors regarding Socrates' life and thought is Dr. Navia.
Well, it was nice to come across your website. I wish you luck, and please extend my regards to Professor Navia. That his student, Muktar Aliyu, says 'hello' and 'thank you'. Take care.

Anonymous said...


I took two courses taught by Dr. Navia at the New York Institute of Technology. He is one of only two professors, who have made a SIGNIFICANT impact on my collegiate experience. He mentions his daughters a lot in class, in more than a philosophical manner; but from the perspective of someone in awe of his own offspring.
I hope to read his new book soon, because I think the most important figure in Philosophy is Socrates; and one of the most reliable authors regarding Socrates' life and thought is Dr. Navia.
Well, it was nice to come across your website. I wish you luck, and please extend my regards to Professor Navia. That his student, Muktar Aliyu, says 'hello' and 'thank you'. Take care.