Wednesday, January 2, 2008

here we go. . .

Write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. I'm not sure that there are any other rules. Not ones that matter.
- Neil Gaiman

So here we are, at the start of a new year.

I was fortunate to spend this past New Year's Eve with my family and my Alex, talking, laughing, reminiscing, eating pizza, watching the festivities on television, playing Mad Libs, watching one of the golden DVDs from the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys box set (treasured memories, indeed) that Alex got me for Christmas, and, of course, Rock Banding it up into 2008.

As I do every year, I asked everyone to think back on what they had accomplished in the past year, what they were most proud of, what had most influenced them, etc. and what they hope to tackle this upcoming year. I always finds this goes better, and proves to be more enlightening, than reciting the familiar, "What's your New Year's resolution?"

For my part, many of this year's accomplishments were carefully documented in this blog, which just so happened to be started one year ago. The blog itself, along with my website, were tasks which I made it a point last January to begin and see through to their success. While I'm still not getting hundreds of hits a day, I'd say the fact that I'm still here writing is a big step in and of itself.

A lot of things took off for me this year, and my writing is at the top of the list. A ton more articles for the magazine, a thousand more ideas in the works, a screenplay contest completed with a short story one on the way, an online magazine on the verge of its launch, and, of course, that book that just so happens to be sitting in front of me right now on my desk, all neatly bound in a black leather thesis binder.

Just this past week I registered for the SCBWI's (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) annual NYC conference taking place in February (the second national/annual conference is held in LA in the summer). How exciting!!

With one book almost complete and two more bursting to be written, I figure it's time to network and mingle with some of my peers =P

Check it out:


Anonymous said...

your soon to emerge emagazine is worthy of publicity!

i just peeked into your blog to find out the status...

i am greatly anticipating it's birth!

happy new year from texas!

Ian said...

thanks for being my first comment-found this quote in a yoga book i have i would like to share-

"I had hardly begun to read
I asked how can you ever be sure
that what you write is really
any good at all and he said you cant

you cant you can never be sure
you die without knowing
whether anything you wrote was any good
if you have to be sure dont write"
w.S. Merwin

maybe you can share with me who this merwin character is i have not heard of him.

Alex K. said...

I can't wait for the VM office meetings which end in Hurcules DVDs and rock and sessions. this is going to be a fantastic and exciting year :)