Tuesday, August 14, 2007

short hair, anyone??

We must become the change we want to see.
- Mahatma Ghandi

So finally, after months and months of waiting, I've gotten my haircut.

Short, indeed. Not nearly as short as I had originally intended, but short, nontheless.

I know there are some women who would gasp at the thought of cutting their locks of curls, but I was elated. I felt like a kid again, sitting in the salon, waiting to get a haircut that most people thought was a silly idea because *gasp* why would any female want short hair?

Funny enough, despite the fact that I sported short hair for much of my childhood up until the age of 12 or so, I've had "long" hair just about the rest of time since then - "long" because recently I came to the realization that what I consider to be long hair, most women still think is short.

So yes, even though I've yearned to spike my curliness or jump out of bed and run outside without any mirror fretting or swim in a pool without eating my unruly hair that was always sure to come undone from a hairband, I've still struggled through long hair.

A struggle because my hair is curly. Like ridiculously curly. Like unnecessarily, annoyingly curly. About two years ago I found the perfect salon that specializes in curls of all sorts (they have such a place!!) which has helped a great deal, but still, for someone who is content meandering to work in jeans, flip flops, and a t-shirt, one hour of hair styling can become a trying ordeal.

Yet for all these years, I have dealt with it. Partly because long hair can, I admit, be fun sometimes, but moreso because there is a part of me that is still afraid of being pointed out as the tomboy, a fear which is what originally forced me to grow out my hair in the first place (you should've seen the look on my face when I first realized I had curls). At 23 years of age, it's silly to think that short hair will transport me back to a corner in the playground, but still, somewhere, that thought still lurks there.

But whatever. When I left high school early to start college, people cried that I would miss prom (a milestone I missed, oh woe is me). When I said I was going to cut my hair, people cried that short hair would lack the same aesthetic charm of long hair.

Well, I did it.

And I'm sooo0 damn happy =P

Now if only if I could stop listening to people and get back to all that writing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray for cutting your hair!! I have seen it very briefly or at least I feel like it was brief... but now I rememeber actually going out to dinner with you post haircut. Weird how it didn't strike me as different when we went out... probably because it was short for so long. Anyway, I still want a picture to study more carefully :D