Thursday, January 29, 2009

anxiety setting in...kind of

Eighty percent of success is showing up.
- Woody Allen

So it's the end of January, and VM should have launched by last week, but clearly, it hasn't.

What's a frustrated me to do? Just keep plugging away. And plugging away.

Confusion with the content system and articles module being set up for the site has created a major lag, thus rendering editorial deadlines inconsequential and teaching me a valuable lesson about remembering to take into account delays on the more technical side of things...over which I have no major control.

Frustrating doesn't even begin to describe it.

But everyone I've spoken to is unanimous with their reassurance that this is exactly the kind of stuff that happens when you start a business. There are unexpected delays. There are problems. There are things to be reworked. There are people to have discussions over discussion with...even if it's the same discussion. There are things to organize. There are deep breaths to take over and over again.

VM will launch... as soon as it's ready. I want it to launch correctly, and if that means delaying it a month, then so be it, but we will launch - soon.

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