Friday, January 9, 2009

no sleep for VM

You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.
- Les Brown

It's 2:24 in the morning. I'm tired. I've spent much of the night working on VM-related stuff...e-mailing writers, adding to the editorial list, checking off things from the To Do list, reading up on the news, updating our VM group Facebook page, sending more e-mails, thinking, thinking, thinking.

And every so often I can't help but wonder...Is this going to work? By all accounts, it should. It makes perfect me anyway. But the more I get into the thick of things, the more I realize I'm fully committed here, the nagging question persists.

So persist away. If I wasn't doing all this work and making visible progress, the question probably wouldn't even occur to me because there'd be no risk involved, no reason to worry. One year ago the thought didn't occur to me because VM was still sitting atop a lofty bar stool in a corner of my head.

Since then, things have changed. I'm getting it done. I'm putting in serious hours. I'm fully invested. I'm anxious. I'm hungry. I'm eager.

I'm just getting started.

But I'm really quite tired.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i will all be worth it in the end, trust me.

now get some sleep :)