Monday, December 15, 2008

in medias res

A sweet thing, perspective - a chance to see your enemies so small.
- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

The past two months have been quite the whirlwind.

As many of you already know, I resigned my position as writer and editor at Elements magazine back at the end of October. After three fantastic years working there, I felt it was time to move on, specifically to focus all my efforts on my own writing, launching VM, finishing graduate school, and pursuing my acting. I'm happy to report that since then, I have been doing just that.

We've diligently been working on getting everything ready for VM's launch, I'm resuming my graduate studies in the spring, I've been taking acting classes for the past two months and performing in a theatre production, and I've been continuing my freelance writing. I've also picked up another project - co-authoring a medical nutrition book with an autobiographical focus. I finished the chapter outline and synopsis this past weekend. Now a book such as this presents a few challenges. The first is that it's about medical nutrition, and while I have experience with all the NAVEL Expo articles I've written, I am delving into a pretty complex field not my own. Second, it's autobiographical in part, and the life story we're following is not my own, meaning that I have to figure out how to write in someone else's voice, telling his story, while also keeping my own voice and style as a writer. A fine line to walk, indeed.

And in the midst of all this craziness, my website and blog are being redesigned, by the talented guys at digitalsoul designs. When all is finalized, two shall become one, and I will be a blog and a website closer to becoming greater than Neil Gaiman.

Now if I could only be wittier...

1 comment:

Ian said...

digital soul, i know that guy, i heard he does great work